Great Summary on War a la Spurgeon


“We are up to the hilt advocates for peace, and we earnestly war against war.  I wish that Christian men would insist more and more on the unrighteousness of war, believing that Christianity means no sword, no cannon, no bloodshed, and that, if a nation is driven to fight in its own defence, Christianity stands by to weep and to intervene as soon as possible, and not to join in the cruel shouts which celebrate an enemy’s slaughter. . . . Today, then, my brethren, I beg you to join with me in seeking renewal.”

From An All-Round Ministry, (Charles Spurgeon’s Annual Conference Addresses at the Pastors College), “A New Departure.”   [SIXTEENTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Spring 1880]

Mr. Spurgeon always regarded the Conference week as one of the most important of the whole year; and he devoted much time, and thought, and care, and prayer to the preparation of his Addresses to the hundreds of ministers and students…”

Few have seen these ‘Lost Quotes’ of Charles Spurgeon. Please Share!

[Apologies for the “Lost” hype. Not actually Lost, but Censored by Spurgeon’s Overlords, following in the footsteps of Twitter Jack and Zuckerberg]

SCROLL DOWN for more Key Quotes from Spurgeon

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[A new, ‘stand alone’ web page has been put up for my book on Christian Pacifism (link), the journey of a twenty-something Christian and Marine.]

Top Twitter comment:

Wow-this is REALLY cool. I had never read Spurgeon on war!? I actually DO wish this would break the internet :)


C. H. Spurgeon: “…nothing can be more abhorrent to the Christian man than wholesale slaughter.”hiroshima_afterbombHiroshima After the Bomb, 1945; 75th Anniversary, August 6, 2020

I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives.Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower (to Sec. of War before the dropping of the bomb)

The Japanese had, in fact, already sued for peace. The atomic bomb played no decisive part, from a purely military point of view, in the defeat of Japan.

— Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz

The atomic bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war at all.

— Major General Curtis LeMay

The first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment … It was a mistake to ever drop it … [the scientists] had this toy and they wanted to try it out, so they dropped it …

— Fleet Admiral William Halsey, Jr

5 thoughts on “Great Summary on War a la Spurgeon

  1. Pingback: Charles Spurgeon: A Christian Response To War (Quote)

  2. Pingback: C. H. Spurgeon on War | Richard Cheesman

  3. protoprotestant

    It’s interesting how the Bible-based Non-conformists in the UK and most of Europe were anti-Establishment while in the US the supposedly Bible-based Evangelicals have long been plugged into the Establishment.

    In Europe Christians didn’t want to support war and imperialism, they wanted to stand with poor and also laboured (right or wrong) for social reform with regard to work, health care etc…

    In the United States, the same people are pro-Empire, pro-war, pro-rich/hierarchical society etc…

    I understand the worldly wisdom of US Christian Right positions, but it’s amazing how far they have strayed from Scripture.

    The Christian Left is often just as misguided and all to often has a very low view of Scripture. The quote from Spurgeon was a blessing because I was very influenced by him in my early years as a Christian and it’s a good reminder to point to Bible believing Christianity of another era and another context.


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